
We always start with a consultation to go over managing expectations, reviewing the process and answering any questions or concerns.

People opt for Lip Blush or Lip Neutralization for various reasons. Here are some motivations:

Lip Blush

Lip blushing is a cosmetic tattoo designed to enhance the natural beauty of your lips by bringing back the vibrant color of our lips that we lose as we age.  It can create symmetry and for some give the illusion of a fuller lip.

Definition and Shape: Lip Blush can improve the definition of the lip borders and create a more defined lip shape. This can be particularly appealing for individuals with naturally pale or undefined lips.

Convenience: Lip blush eliminates the need for daily lipstick or lip tint application. For those who want to maintain a consistent lip color without the hassle of frequent touch-ups, lip blush can be a time-saving solution.

Results: Lip blush can be airy and natural or more of an opaque lipstick look.

Anti-Aging:  As people age, the natural color of the lips can fade. Lip blush can help restore some of the youthful vibrancy and color to the lips.

Lip Neutralization  

Lip neutralization is a cosmetic tattoo targeted for dark toned or discolored lips that have hyperpigmentation, sun damage, etc.

Camouflage: Lip neutralization can be used to conceal scars or hyperpigmentation on the lips, providing a more even and harmonious appearance.

Scarring or Uneven Pigmentation: Individuals with scars or uneven pigmentation on their lips may choose lip blush to create a more even and aesthetically pleasing look.

The process for lip neutralization starts with addressing the uneven color in the lips with a correction color than proceeding with the target color.

To Learn More about Lip Preparation

To Learn More about Lip After-Care

 Before and After Photos

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Preparation & Caring for your Lips

Lip Blush /Neutralization Pre Care

Lip/Skin Pre Treatment Preparation: To perform cosmetic tattoo procedures on the lips, the skin of your lips must be hydrated and moisturized on the day of your appointment. As such it is MANDATORY all clients to begin a daily lip prep regiment 5 days before you are scheduled to come in ensure the lips are properly prepared. Please come to your appointment with a makeup free face (no foundation, blush, mascara, etc) regardless of the treatment area.


  • Avoid Alcohol, excessive caffeine, Lip Sticks, and extreme sun exposure.
  • Drink a minimum of 8 (8oz) glasses of water daily.
  • Vitamin E or A&D should be applied throughout the day.
  • After showering or washing your face in the evening, when lips are soft and supple, gently scrub your lips with a lip scrub, especially the middle, and apply a layer of Vitamin D or A&D.
  • Please do not take any blood thinners such as Ibuprofen and Aspiring 24 hours before.  Tylenol can be taken 30 minutes before your treatment without any contraindications.
  • Stop and retinol products in the area of treatment.


Mix 1 tablespoon of each, apply in a circular motion on lips for 5-10 mins to get rid of any chapping. Repeat daily for 5-7 days before you lip blush or neutralization appointment.

  • Brown Sugar
  • Honey
  • Olive Oil


  • The skin should not be dry, chapped or irritated on the day of the appointment.  Muse Beauty reserves the right to cancel your appointment if your lips are not in optimal condition for the treatment.
  • You may swell; please make sure you don't have anything important for the next 1-2 days after your visit (depends on the person).
  • Do not tan or come with a sunburned face.
  • Do not consume caffeinated products 24 hours before the procedure.
  • Do not consume alchol 5 days before your procedure and 3 days after.
  • Do not take Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E, or Ibuprofen 72 hours before the procedure.
  • Avoid Chemical Peels & Laser treatment 2 months before your appointment.
  • Lip Blush should not be performed until 6 weeks before/after having any fillers/injections.
  • For clients with an ANY history of cold sores/fever blisters/herpes, please contact your physician and request a prescription for Acyclovir or Valtrex. Take it the day before, on the day of, and the day after your appointment. If you experience frequent outbreaks, please note that Lip Blush can only be done after 4 weeks from your most recent outbreak. The prescription does not guarantee you will not have an outbreak however it will greatly reduce the chances on occurs. All other questions or concerns should be discussed with a healtheare physician.

Lip Blush / Neutralization After Care

Swelling is normal after the procedure. After you leave, we recommend that ice packs be applied for 10-15 minuets each hour for the first 48 hours following the procedure.


For the first evening and morning following your treatment, blot the treated area with provided antiseptic wipes. On the second day, blot or gently wipe the treated area two times, morning and evening, again ONLY with with antiseptic wipes provided.